Join us for the second session of the Sustainable Finance Knowledge Journey, a series of events organized as part of the SAFE – Sustainable Agriculture for Forest Ecosystems project. In this session, titled “Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Finance: Key Tools for Supporting Smallholders and the Transition into Deforestation-Free Supply Chains”, we will explore the role of disclosure and taxonomy in fostering transparency, guiding investments, and supporting smallholder farmers.
Highlights include:
- Discussions on how sustainability reporting enhances transparency in deforestation-free supply chains.
- Insights into the potential of sustainable finance taxonomies to support smallholder farmers.
- A case study from Brazil on its Sustainable Finance Taxonomy, presented by Camila de Sousa Silva from the Ministry of Finance of Brazil.
- Max Tetteroo (Climate & Company)
- Helen Finlay (CDP Global)
- Sofia Carra (Climate & Company)
- Camila de Sousa Silva (Ministry of Finance, Brazil)
Registration through this link
Platform: MS Teams
Time of Event: 15:00 – 16:00 CET