SAFE Brazil

SAFE Brazil


The Amazon biome covers about 49.5% of Brazilian territory and is characterised by high biodiversity and significant freshwater resources. However, its ecosystems have been threatened by deforestation and forest degradation, most of which is illegal. It is estimated that 90% of the deforested area is used for extensive cattle ranching and agricultural production (Mapbiomas, 2022). In addition, conversion of native vegetation, unsustainable use of natural resources, land conflicts, violation of labour rights and the rights of Indigenous and traditional peoples, and gender inequality are some of the major problems encountered in Amazonian ecosystems.​ Agriculture has great economic and cultural importance in the region and represents the basis of life for many rural families. However, incentives for adopting sustainable practices and opportunities for farmers to prove compliance with environmental and social standards are still lacking. Considering the pressure of international markets to assure that agricultural production is decoupled from deforestation, vulnerable groups risk being excluded from such markets, thus reducing opportunities for value addition.

Approach in Brazil

In Brazil, SAFE is implemented in partnership with the Federal Government of Brazil, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) and GIZ. In the country, the project fosters the sustainability of production chains with a focus on cocoa and cattle ranching, regularisation and legality in production, improvement of market access and value addition, promotion of traceability​ systems, incentives for the preservation of forest ecosystems, and access to finance. The pilot area for the implementation of the activities is the Xingu region, in the municipality of Altamira, in the state of Pará, working with families of local producers in settlements of agrarian reform. The project in Brazil focuses its efforts on three components:
  • Strengthening selected production chains to meet sustainability market requirements
  • Strengthening capacities to create enabling conditions and access finance for the transition towards sustainable and deforestation-free production
  • Enhancing the capacity of smallholders for sustainable management of selected production systems


  • Strengthen sectoral and value chain dialogue, with a focus on cocoa and cattle ranching
  • Support organisation of cooperatives and rural producers to establish partnerships with the private sector
  • Promote programs and actions related to ABC+ and Amazônia+Sustentável plans
  • Promote financial mechanisms at local level
  • Strengthen technical assistance, and rural and managerial extension for relevant chains with a focus on cocoa, agroforestry systems and cattle ranching
  • Implement innovative measures in rural properties to add value and access to markets by the rural producers
  • Promote land and environmental regularisation processes
  • Develop studies on international trends to promote sustainable production chains and the conservation of forest landscapes
  • Develop intersectional and gender-sensitive studies on sustainable and deforestation-free production chains​

Commodities SAFE is Working on in Brazil

