Sustainability of
Indonesian and Malaysian
palm oil

About the project

The KAMI project provides support for strengthened and constructive dialogue between EU, Malaysian and Indonesian stakeholders on the sustainability of the palm oil value chain. To that end, KAMI supports multi-stakeholder processes to share objective information on the sustainable use of natural resources at scale with a specific focus on palm oil. Through exchange of objective information, the project informs policy and planning processes and works to support supply chain actors in making sustainable sourcing and investment decisions. By working at scale, KAMI aims to strengthen environmental, social and governance frameworks to cover all supply chain actors, including those outside certified supply chains where many smallholders remain.
The project, which is funded by the European Union, commenced in August 2020 with a budget of 4.5 million euros and will run until September 2024.

Countries of Implementation

Overarching Aim

The approach of this project is to reinforce and better communicate on the sustainable management of natural resources in palm oil producing jurisdictions and thereby contribute to a shared objective of the EU and two key partners in Southeast Asia, by:
Supporting policy dialogues between relevant stakeholders in EU, Malaysia and Indonesia on the sustainability of the palm oil value chain
Providing technical assistance to enhance the partner countries’ platforms and initiatives towards increased sustainability of the palm oil value chain
Supporting communication and dissemination in relation to the policy dialogue and the project’s results



(Lower) Kafue Catchment Ecosystem

Target group:

Farmers and community forest management groups

Key activities:
  • Support community forest management groups in the
    sustainable management of natural resources and livelihood creation
  • Support farmers to produce soy in line with the EUDR and increase productivity, and implement transparency and traceability pilots

Lampung, West Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi

Target group:

Smallholder farmers, private sector, and civil society organizations along the value chains

Key activities:
  • Empowering Smallholder Farmers and Farmer Organizations by facilitating traceability and legality, building capacity on Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), and strengthening farmer organizations, ensuring inclusive support for both men and women farmers.
  • Promoting sustainable practices and collaboration by supporting village HCV/HCS conservation efforts, testing and strengthening the National Dashboard for traceability and legality, and fostering national and regional exchanges.
Coming soon
Coming soon

Provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos

Target group:

Smallholder farmers, women, indigenous people and youth

Key activities:
  • Promoting Multi Stakeholder Dialogues
  • Improving traceabilty systems

Xingu territory, State of Pará

Target group:

Family farmers

Key activities:
  • Improve market access; value creation and access to finance
  • Integrate farmers into tracability systems
Global activities