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Team Europe Initiative on Deforestation-free Value Chains

The Traceability of Paraguayan Meat and Leather: Design and Roadmap

This document describes a project for defining an environmental traceability system in Paraguay. This is articulated in a roadmap with seven macro-phases: 1. Definition of governance and the commitment of public sector institutions; 2. Definition and commitment of private actors; 3. Elaboration of the environmental traceability system’s technical manual of operations; 4. Development of a pilot project to corroborate the operation of the designed environmental traceability system; 5. Socialisation of the pilot project’s results with national and international stakeholders, including the public sector, private sector and civil society; 6. Creation of the environmental traceability platform for producers registered in SITRAP; 7. Socialisation of the results with the public and private sectors, civil society and EU authorities.

Publication date:
Mathew Vercruysse
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